Edit: The post below was pre-scheduled, before the events of November 13th. My mind and my heart remain with the Parisians and all those others throughout the world affected by the terrorism of hateful organizations that incite, support, and celebrate violence. I don't have it in me to write a longer post about the attacks. I pray as I write this addendum (Friday night) that no new tragedy occurs between now and when this post goes up (though hopefully for much longer than that).
Some of you have noticed that Mending Heartstrings is no longer available for sale (actually, it still is on B&N but should be down soon). Long story short, Swoon Romance and I have parted ways. For many reasons, including professional discretion, I will not go into details, but suffice it to say I am thrilled by this, despite the challenges it will bring.
Some of you have noticed that Mending Heartstrings is no longer available for sale (actually, it still is on B&N but should be down soon). Long story short, Swoon Romance and I have parted ways. For many reasons, including professional discretion, I will not go into details, but suffice it to say I am thrilled by this, despite the challenges it will bring.

Releasing a second edition (with a new scene!) is a brand new fork on the publishing path that I never would have thought I'd be taking, especially not so soon. But I'm committed to not letting that story die because of one bad experience. I hope those of you who've already enjoyed it will come along for the adventure as I reintroduce it into the world! And those of you who haven't yet had a chance...get ready!
Select reviews of the original edition are available here.
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