December 21, 2015

Happy Holidays! Have a Lovely Rest of the Year!

I am genuinely having trouble believing it, but another year has almost come to an end. As per usual, I'll be taking a couple of weeks off from posting, so I can focus on wrapping up my year and spending time with family. How about you—fun plans for the end of the year?

Before I leave you all, just a quick reminder that signups continue to be available for the Mending Heartstrings blog tour. I'd really appreciate your help in spreading the word about the signups and with the release itself!

And otherwise, all that's left to say is: thank you. Thank you to those who continue to read and to those who take the time to comment or share! I write for you, so I hope you find my posts either interesting or helpful or possibly even both. If you have comments or suggestions to help that happen next year, please let me know.

And now that I've said those words—"next year"—I guess we're at an end. So I hope you have an absolutely wonderful rest of your year! Grab a glass, and here's to 2016!!

Photo credit: ::: M @ X ::: via / CC BY-NC-ND


  1. Happy Holidays, Aria! And may you, yours and all of us enjoy a grand New Year! :0)

    1. Thanks, Donna! Hope you & yours have a lovely end to this year, and a fabulous 2016!!
